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Alternatives for Canada Immigration

We all know that Canadian immigration is slow and quite complex. And of course, Canada is not for everyone. Either it’s too cold, too far, or too slow – or too many restrictions on eligibility.

We’re going to offer you some alternative programs for the UK, Europe, Caribbean Islands, US, and even other countries which are less restrictive, fast, and easy. No language requirements or education necessary in many of the countries – and less uncertainty unlike Canadian immigration. 

You’ve probably come across videos online which mention people leaving Canada, whether because it’s too cold, or too expensive. In this article we are going to offer you some alternatives that could help you skip the following negatives of the Canadian Immigration process:

1: Canadian immigration is one of the slowest in the world. The word ‘fast’ for Canadian immigration could mean 12 months or more.

2: There is too much discretionary power with visa officers for most programs such as the Startup Visa.

3: The eligibility criteria for applicants with no education or language is difficult and few alternatives are offered.

4: High refusal regions make it difficult for some applicants to visit Canada first before they decide to move to this country permanently with their families. That’s the truth…. Most of our clients have never visited Canada before they decided to invest and move their entire families and businesses here.

Here are the alternative immigration options that are fast, easy, and sometimes cheaper than Canada: Let’s start with the cheapest and move to the more expensive options for you if you are really considering moving to another country. 

If you’re interested in immigrating through investment, we are experts and we can support you in the process of choosing the country that fits your profile. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.

United Kingdom Skilled Worker Visa

A: The easiest and fastest program for any type of UK immigration. Within 90 days you can receive your visa and work authorization to enter the country. No education, work experience document, source of funds or investment required. 

B: What you do require is either of the following:

* IELTS VI score of B-1 which is equivalent to a regular IELTS of 4.0

* A post-secondary degree or diploma to exempt you from the language exam, by completing an educational credential assessment, which costs GBP 150.

* A citizenship of an English-speaking common-wealth country such as Dominica, Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis or Grenada just to give you a few examples. With these citizenships, which you can technically buy, you don’t need to prove any language ability with UK immigration under this program.

B: You should also be able to pay the funds to set up a company in the UK with a UK signing officer or employee. Of course, if you have family or friends to do this, that’s great, otherwise we offer a turn-key solution, and you can just let our office handle the whole process. The newly registered company will issue a job offer to you to enter the UK with a work visa. Your spouse will be eligible for an open work permit and your dependent children can join you as well and study for free in the public schooling system until the end of high school.

C: When you arrive in the UK you need to pay yourself a salary from the newly registered company. There is no additional investment required. No profitability of the company or specific activity. Just pay your taxes every year, pay the salary, be compliant and you can obtain a permanent settlement status in the UK in 5 years, and 1 year later UK citizenship eligibility. 

D: This is the easiest, cheapest, and literally fastest immigration program to the UK – within 90 days on a fast-track processing basis. No prior travel history is required. You just need enough funds to establish the business, pay the legal fees, pay the government fees and health surcharges, and your own salary – the rest is easy.

If you’re interested in immigrating through investment, we are experts and we can support you in the process of choosing the country that fits your profile. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.

Portugal & Spain

The next country we are covering is Portugal & Spain in the EU. Please remember we are covering the cheapest to the most expensive in this list of countries to immigrate to:

1: As you may or may not know, they offer several types of immigration for business persons, investors and entrepreneurs. 

We’re going quickly cover the lowest cost programs and how it can lead to a permanent residency and eventual citizenship for these EU countries:

Passive income: If you or your spouse have passive income from pension, dividends, rental income, interest, or anything else passive, you could be eligible for the non-investment route to move your family to either of these countries and reside there. 

You will not be allowed to work but can reside and send your kids to school. You can always convert to another work type or business visa after you arrive. We call it ‘try & buy’. It can work both for Portugal & Spain – although Portugal is much slower processing. 

This program can also lead you to permanent residency and eventual citizenship if you meet the eligibility criteria for the residency time you spend in the country. 

Other more expensive options are: Setting up a branch or business/startup in these countries, depositing a specific amount in the local banks, purchasing property and so forth. Keep in mind that the Portugal Golden visa may come to an end by July 19th when the parliament there votes on this subject – but the non-investment visa I mentioned is not related to the golden visa and Spain’s golden visa is still alive and well with no deadline like Portugal.

Now we’re venturing into more costly programs which will require more investments but are fast and don’t require much else besides having the money:

Fast-track Caribbean island citizenship

The next most expensive options are the fast-track Caribbean Island citizenship. In most cases you can obtain a new passport without even visiting these countries within 6 months if you have the funds and are not on some weird Interpol database of wanted fugitives ☺ . These islands include Grenada, Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts & Nevis, Dominica, and St. Lucia. They all have government donation options from anywhere from USD $100,000 and up depending on your family size. The approval rate for these programs is over 95% and you don’t need work experience documents, language or any education or prior travel history. You can travel to Europe and many other countries visa-free using these passports. They also have real estate options, and some even have bond purchasing options. 

If you’re interested in immigrating through investment, we are experts and we can support you in the process of choosing the country that fits your profile. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.


Greece is another hot destination for applicants looking to buy property and receive an automatic residency. With EUR 280,000 this can be achieved quite quickly.


The next most expensive option is Malta: This is the fastest EU passport you can find. It’s obviously more costly but you can obtain it without spending a day in the country and within 12 months your citizenship and subsequent passport will be issued. It’s the price of a half-decent condo in Toronto at EUR 750,000 for you and the eligible dependents.

USA EB5 program

The 2nd most expensive immigration program is the famous US EB5 program. It’s US$800,000 and if you are from Vietnam, China, or India you will be stuck in a very long queue. The only point in this program that matters is that you have the money, and you can prove the source of funds and accumulation of wealth – nothing else is required. It is one of the most popular passive immigration investment programs in the world which leads to a direct green card. The key is also to make sure you invest in the right project as your passive investment – if it fails, your application will also fail. 

If you’re interested in immigrating through investment, we are experts and we can support you in the process of choosing the country that fits your profile. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.


Drum roll please ... .and the single most expensive citizenship investment program that we have on our list today is Austria at a cool crisp EUR 5.5 million which can potentially lead you to a citizenship and passport of one of the old school central EU countries without residency, language, or any other requirement. It’s a simple donation to the government for art or cultural projects. This program is not for everyone, but for those who appreciate a high value passport which is not an island but part of western Europe and don’t want to spend time anywhere else before obtaining the passport which allows you visa free travel to over 160 countries in the world including the US and Canada. 

Funny enough, Hong Kong and Singapore have more expensive investment migration programs which we did not cover. Other countries for immigration we did not cover in our list today which are also possible are: Panama for the investor residency, Colombia for the digital nomad visa, Dubai for its residency programs but which never lead to citizenship unless you marry a local, Canada since every other video we make is about Canada, Cayman islands for those who are seeking ultimate luxury and tax efficient residency, and New Zealand. We will be doing a special feature on New Zealand soon this summer so stay tuned.

Remember, Canada is not your only option. There are many stable and safe countries for yourself, your family and your business which are easy to immigrate to if you have the funds available. We have the best of the best on our team and network to help you move. I am myself a global nomad – moving from country to country since I was a child. This is the reason I am sharing my knowledge and experience with all of you in this LIVE stream.

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If you’re thinking about immigrating whether permanently or temporarily - you’re at the right place!    

 I can guarantee only 1 main point; you will know what to expect, the entire process is clearly laid out for you, and all the risks identified including costs. Our team speaks over +9 languages, and we help applicants from over 50 different countries during their immigration process. And this list is growing everyday! Get a FREE email assessment, click here.

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