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Canada Startup Visa for Agents, Immigration Lawyers, Practitioners

Have your clients shown interest in the Start-Up Visa program, yet you're new to the application process or have encountered setbacks previously? Here's how we can make a difference.

In this video, we'll address common concerns and offer valuable tips, guiding you through the Start-Up Visa application process from beginning to end.

Before we begin, it's important to understand that in April 2024, new regulations introduced a cap on the number of letters of support from designated organizations. This article should be considered within the context of this new framework and regulations. Please watch  this video  to learn more about these changes.

Canada Startup Visa for Agents - How to deal with Refused SUV Work Permits

Facing a refusal for a work permit under the SUV program can be disheartening. However, it's crucial to understand that this is a common occurrence and a reapplication is almost a must when it comes to this type of process. Of course, like with any other refusals, it is crucial  to understand the feedback provided by IRCC. If the case is strong and any deficiencies in the application can be improved, do not hesitate and apply the times that may be necessary. 

For applicants from regions with higher refusal rates, we have observed that persistence pays off. Approvals often increase after the second or even third submission.

Of course, each new application needs to demonstrate significant improvement.  Usually IRCC wants to see clear evidence of financial readiness, even when not mandatory for an application, so adding more funds to your start-up bank account in Canada demonstrates financial stability and commitment to your venture. Additionally, providing comprehensive progress documents showcases the tangible advancements of your start-up, reinforcing your credibility as an entrepreneur. 

Remember it is the significant benefit to Canada that the officers are looking for. 

At INGWE we are EXPERTS in the Canada Startup Visa. We will guide and support you throughout the endorsement letter or Letter of Support process and the entire immigration process including work visas and permanent residencies. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.

Canada Startup Visa for Agents - Supplementary Documents for SUV PR

While the IRCC checklist serves as a foundation, augmenting it with additional documents can significantly strengthen your SUV PR application. Education and work experience credentials of the principal applicant provide insights into their qualifications and expertise to run and manage their business, enhancing the overall profile of the application. Furthermore, including business registration details, website information, and social media presence offers a comprehensive view of your start-up's development and market presence. Finally, providing evidence of tangible progress, such as client contracts, partnerships, or product prototypes, further bolsters your application's credibility.

At INGWE we are EXPERTS in the Canada Startup Visa. We will guide and support you throughout the endorsement letter or Letter of Support process and the entire immigration process including work visas and permanent residencies. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.

Canada Startup Visa for Agents - Update Frequency of Financial Documents

The IRCC's request for updated financial documents underscores the importance of maintaining transparency and accuracy throughout the SUV PR application process. Be proactive in monitoring changes in the financial status of your clients and their businesses and promptly submit updated documents as requested. Remember, demonstrating financial stability is crucial for securing permanent residency in Canada. Based on the IRCC document checklist, applicants are required to submit financial documents to meet the settlement funds and investment requirements. It is certain that IRCC will request updates during the process, and in some cases, if the PR application process extends, they may ask for updated financial documents a second time.

Canada Startup Visa for Agents - Renewal of Letters of Support

Renewing letters of support may become necessary due to changes in the business structure or IRCC's specific requirements. Stay informed about the validity period of the existing letters of support and initiate the renewal process in advance to avoid any disruptions in the application. If co-founders plan to apply for work permits while their PR applications are pending, ensure that all supporting documents, including renewed letters of support, are up-to-date to facilitate a smooth transition. Additionally, be proactive in renewing letters of support if significant changes occur within the organization, such as co-founder roles or business pivots.

Given these considerations, it's essential to stay updated on recent changes to the SUV program and the regulations for designated organizations. Watch our video to find out more.

Canada Startup Visa for Agents - Essential vs. Non-Essential Co-Founders

The composition of essential and non-essential co-founders plays a key role in the success of your SUV application. While at least one co-founder must fulfill the essential criteria outlined by IRCC, carefully evaluate the roles and contributions of each team member to ensure alignment with the business objectives. Essential co-founders typically possess specialized skills or expertise essential to the operation and growth of the start-up. Non-essential co-founders may contribute valuable insights or support functions that complement the core business activities. Striking the right balance between essential and non-essential co-founders strengthens the application and demonstrates the strength of the team.

At INGWE we are EXPERTS in the Canada Startup Visa. We will guide and support you throughout the endorsement letter or Letter of Support process and the entire immigration process including work visas and permanent residencies. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.

Canada Startup Visa for Agents - Choosing the Right Incubator

Selecting the appropriate incubator is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your client’s  SUV PR application. Consider factors such as the incubator's track record of successfully issuing letters of support, the quality of support services and facilities offered, and the alignment of their expertise with your start-up's industry or niche. Conduct thorough research and seek recommendations from fellow practitioners to identify incubators that provide comprehensive support tailored to your client’s specific needs. Collaborating with a reputable and supportive incubator enhances the chances of securing permanent residency in Canada, accelerates the growth of the start-up and will save you, the consultant, considerable time and effort during the application process for permanent residency and work permits on behalf of your clients.  

Canada Startup Visa for Agents - Timeline for Receiving File Numbers from IRCC

Do not panic if a file number has not been received after a couple of months. The timeline for receiving a file number from IRCC can vary depending on various factors, including the volume of applications and processing times. While some applicants may receive a file number within a few months of submission, others may experience delays of up to a year or more. Stay proactive by monitoring the application status through IRCC's online portal and promptly responding to any requests for additional information or documents. Although the wait for a file number can be challenging, maintaining open communication with IRCC and adhering to their guidelines ensures a smoother and more efficient processing experience.

At INGWE we are EXPERTS in the Canada Startup Visa. We will guide and support you throughout the endorsement letter or Letter of Support process and the entire immigration process including work visas and permanent residencies. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.


Wrapping up our Ultimate Start-Up Visa (SUV) Guide for Canada, it’s crucial to remember that the SUV application process is nothing like other immigration programs. It doesn’t simply end upon submission; the progress the start-up makes while the application is under review by IRCC is just as important as the initial documentation you provide. Continuous updates on the venture's growth and milestones can significantly bolster the application, showcasing the commitment and the viability of the business.

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If you’re thinking about immigrating whether permanently or temporarily - you’re at the right place! Our team speaks over +9 languages, and we help applicants from over 50 different countries during their immigration process. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.

If you’re ready to apply and would like a 1-on-1 session with me or one of immigration team members at INGWE, you can also book a session directly using this consultation link.

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