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Courses that have scope for PR in Canada

Courses that have scope for PR in Canada

Becoming a permanent resident of Canada is a dream of many people. This country is known for its quality environment, advanced education system plus it is a hub for opportunities. This place can help you climb the ladder of success definitely if you go through the right path and have determination. There are certain courses which would help you easily settle in Canada. These are those courses that have a great scope in Canada. So if you want to study in Canada and then get a residency you must choose one of the fields mentioned below.


If you are good at communication and you like interacting with people then this course is the best option for you. Doing a marketing degree in Canada will help you get good jobs easily in the field which would be a further aid for your permanent residency process.  Marketing person is required almost in every company and Canada is a hub for the emerging business. So choosing this field would be a wise decision for the permanent settlement.


If you are good at handling accounts and you can easily manage the daily entries of a business then this subject can help you to settle down in Canada very easily. Every business from a small shop to a big industry requires one person who takes care of the cash entry, salary account of people and manages all such tasks related to finance. So if you are good at it you must choose this as your professional course in Canada. With this, you will be able to get PR there. You should ask your immigration consultant Canada about the same as there are several options in this particular field.

Information Technology

With every new day, one could see a new emergence in the IT sector. This is the most up growing field and in the coming times, everything would be about technology. So if you are a tech-savvy person and computers have been your favourite subject in school time then doing this course professionally can help you get a Permanent Residency there. In Canada, several IT companies are looking for young professionals. So make sure you do this course for a happy future.

Public Relations

In the present scenario, every company wants to maintain good relations with its clients. They want to retain their clients and add a new one. So for that having a public relations officer is important. So if you think you can handle people and maintain friendly relations with them just by talking few minutes then using this trait for your professional development is a good option. It would help you get a good job easily and settle down over there. Not just this, you would also be offered a great salary package.

Thus to conclude, these are a few of the most trending fields which get easy jobs there and further PR process is faster for people who have qualifications in these fields.



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