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How to finalize your application for Canadian immigration

How to finalize your application for Canadian immigration

For the applicant who wishes to be permanent residents of Canada, it is vital to be present physically in the country for further processing. This is a major step which at present condition is not possible due to the closure of borders. So for the applicants who are worried about the same, then this blog will further provide you with details on how you can further finalize your application for Canadian immigration keeping in the loop the COVID-related travel restrictions.

The expert immigration lawyer in Canada suggests that firstly the candidates need to know that the Canadian government is still processing files for the permanent residency however it may take a longer time due to COVID 19.


In case you have not submitted the application

The Canadian government understands the people and is asking them to wait for the application till the time they get hold of all documents. However, if you are already on the way to receive your documents, then you can submit your language test results, educational certificates or other such documents which you have. Along with that, you can write a letter explaining the delay of your documents and by what time you will be able to submit them. Take professional servies f the best immigration company in Canada to sort out this matter. With this, they would get hold of your file and further to avoid any delay you should submit the documents which were left as soon as you get them.


People who have applied for express entry

The people who are in the queue of express entry have ninety days to apply once they receive the invitation to apply.


Application for Permanent Residency is approved and you are not in Canada

As per the conditions, foreign nationals mostly won't be allowed to travel to Canada and go ahead with their permanent residency application. However, under certain circumstances, you can make an entry. They are:-

  • You have acquired a valid COPR card which was either issued on March 18, 2020, or before that.
  • You have got a COPR card before March 18, 2020, plus you have an immediate family member who is a citizen of Canada or has a PR.
  • If presently you are there in the US and are directly landing in Canada.


*in all these conditions you need to understand that you are coming to Canada to settle permanently and you need to prove that you would be able to complete the quarantine period of 14 days and you have done all arrangements for the same.

If you have a COPR but have not landed in Canada

At this point, the only thing which you can do is wait for the instructions further which government announces for Immigration, Refugees, and Citizens. Consult with an expert immigration consultant in Canada and don’t take a risk of travelling as you might be denied entry at the port.


Compulsory quarantine period

No wonder if the Canadian government allows you to enter also then even for your safety as well as the safety of other citizens, the government has made it compulsory for all the foreign residents to go for a quarantine period of fourteen days.


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