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Investment Immigration Canada

The Atlantic provinces are one of the most sought-after destinations for immigration. You want to move to these four provinces, but you don’t have a job offer and you’re way past studying as an international student. You’re a business owner or a senior manager with a viable minimum net worth. What options do you have as a business investor or entrepreneur? There is a solution – even 5 solutions! Remember, not all provincial business programs are created equally in the Atlantic provinces. Read our article and find out more!

PEI investment immigration

Here are the pros and cons of the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Entrepreneur Stream:


  1. High School diploma is accepted as the minimum education requirement (although it’s 0 points for your profile)

  2. You receive easy bonus points if your dependent children have enrolled in a school at the province for the past 6 months before you submit your application

  3. Again, you can receive bonus points just because your spouse has CLB 6 language score in English or French

  4. The province will conduct draws every 45 days where you will have a chance to be invited to apply

  5. Within 3-6 months your documents can be reviewed to be invited to apply for a work permit

  6. 12 months operating the business before being nominated for PR - there is usually a lag in the nomination (2-4 months) -🡪 This is the fastest nomination processing out of all 4 Atlantic provinces.


  1. Age limit max 59

  2. Net worth $600,000 - it will be audited

  3. Application fee of $10,000  (fully refundable unless it's refused where $2,500 is not refunded but the rest is)

  4. Points based system out of max 200

  5. Over age 54 = 0 points

  6. Language ability of CLB 5 = 0

  7. Community endorsement letter can gain you an additional 15 points

Some other key factors which can be either good or bad depending on your profile:

  • Minimum Language Requirement equivalent CLB 4

  • Interview mandatory in PEI

  • Your Expression of Interest is valid for 6 months

If you’re interested in applying for Investment Immigration in PEI, you’re at the right place. At INGWE we are experts in Business Immigration, and we have successfully supported applicants from more than +47 nationalities. Get a FREE assessment with us, click here.

PEI Investment Immigration latest draw

The last draw was June 16 @ 65 points and we even had 62 points earlier this year. Literally, you're a living human being with business experience and the minimum net worth - we'll get you in.


PEI Island entrepreneur stream eligibility points


Business Impact Category








Business Ownership or Senior Management


Community Endorsement




Maximum Points



When your profile is created your date of birth will calculate associated points.



21 - 24


25 - 29


30 - 44


45 - 49


50 - 54


Over 54


Maximum points



Taken from:

Nova Scotia Investor Visa

Let’s look at the pros and cons of this investor / entrepreneur program for the largest populated Atlantic province in Canada:


  1. No Age Limit

  2. Absolutely no provincial application fees - unlike other provinces which all require a fee during the time you are invited and you apply to the province.

  3. One of the lowest minimum investment amounts of $150,000 to become eligible

  4. Min 3 years of business ownership experience in the past 10 years - since some PNP's eligibility period is 5 years. The same eligibility criteria go for the senior management experience

  5. High School diploma is one of the minimum education requirements

  6. Min 1 Full-time equivalent employment opportunity for a local Canadian who is a non-relative

  7. After running the business in the province for 12 months, then you can request a nomination for your PR from the province

  8. You will be able to claim 8 points for having a high school diploma, unlike the other Atlantic provinces

  9. You can still gain points if you're up to the age of 55, older than 55 can still apply but not gain age points

  10. Bonus points if your business is involved in exports, or outside the capital of Halifax, or purchasing a business from a local Nova Scotian


  1. Net worth $600K - which will be audited in your home country

  2. CLB 5 minimum requirement

  3. In-person interview is required

  4. When buying a business, an exploratory trip to the province is mandatory (not optional)

  5. Takes 6 months minimum to process a nomination after you've run the business for 12 months in the province

At INGWE we could help you throughout the process if you are interested in applying for the Nova Scotia Investor Visa. Our licensed immigration professionals are highly experienced in Business Immigration and are willing to help you! Get a FREE assessment with us, click here.

Nova Scotia investor visa latest draw

The last published draw for the Nova Scotia PNP Entrepreneur stream was December 2021 with a minimum of 119 points. Word of caution: it’s difficult to gain enough points in this provincial program if you don’t have high language ability, ties to the province, or higher education.

Nova Scotia entrepreneur stream eligibility points

Factor 1. Language

First official  language



(minimum of  20 points  
from first  
maximum 35







CLB level 7  or higher


English language: CELPIP  – General test or IELTS General training test 

French: TEF or TCF 

Test must be taken no  more than two years  

prior to the date the EOI  is submitted.

CLB level 6 


CLB level 5 


Note: You can only get 7 points in total for basic-level skills in your second official  language, and only if you have a score of at least CLB 5 in each of the four language  abilities in your first official language.

Second official language

At least CLB 5 in all of the four abilities 



Factor 2. Education



(maximum 25)

Documentation required

Canadian high school diploma, or equivalent 

Canadian educational credential or  foreign credential and Educational  Credential Assessment (ECA)  Report.* The ECA Report must not  be more than 5 years old prior to the  date the EOI is submitted. 

Proof of your completed Canadian or  foreign educational credential(s) can  include copies of your: 

• Secondary or post-secondary  education documents  

(certificates, diplomas or  

degrees), and 

• Transcripts for successfully 

Canadian post-secondary degree or diploma for a one year program, or equivalent


Canadian post-secondary degree or diploma for a two year program, or equivalent


Canadian post-secondary degree or diploma for a  program of three years or longer, or equivalent


Two or more Canadian post-secondary degrees or  diplomas or equivalent (at least one must be for a  program of at least three years)


Master’s degree or equivalent 


University level entry-to-practice professional degree 

Occupation related to the degree must be: 

• NOC 2016 Skill Level A, and 

• Licensed by a provincial regulatory body.



Entrepreneur Stream Guide (September 2020) 16 

University degree at the Doctoral (PhD) level or  equivalent


completed secondary or post 

secondary studies

* You can get an ECA at any of the designated organizations listed at


Factor 3. Business Ownership or Senior Management Experience

Business Ownership or Senior Management  Experience

Points (maximum  35)

Documentation required

3 to 5 years of business ownership experience  (minimum 1/3 ownership) in the last 10 years


• Resume 

• Business registration/license • Tax registration 

• Reference letters 

• Labour contracts 

• Pay stubs or payroll records • Income certificate 

• Income statement

Greater than 5 years of experience in a senior  management role in the last 10 years


Greater than 5 years of business ownership experience  (minimum 1/3 ownership) in the last 10 years


Applicants must either have a minimum of three years of business ownership experience in the past 10  years including 33.33% ownership and active role in the management and operations of a company or  greater than five years of experience in a senior management role in the past 10 years. An active role  means that you are personally involved in the day-to-day operations of the company and have direct  involvement in the decision-making. 

In general, senior management means that you primarily:  

• Manage the organization, a department, subdivision, or component of the organization; or an  essential function within the organization.  

• Supervise and control the work of other managers or supervisors or professional employees. • Have the authority to hire and fire, or recommend these and other personnel actions, such as  promotion and leave authorization. 

• Exercise discretion over the day-to-day operations of the activity or function for which the  employee has the authority. 

Applicants claiming 5 or more years of senior management work experience must demonstrate that they have a  history of work experience in an occupation that corresponds to the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Skill Type 0, Skill Level A or B. In order to prove this experience, applicants must provide a reference letter from  previous employers explicitly stating how the applicant performed the duties described in the specific occupation  under the specific NOC. Visit to find the corresponding NOC Code and a  detailed description of the duties involved with that occupation. 

You need to demonstrate that you:  

• Performed the actions described in the lead statements for the occupation as set out in the occupational description of  the NOC 2016, and  

• Performed a substantial number of the main duties, including all of the essential duties, of the occupation as set out in  the occupational description of NOC 2016. 

The reference letters should:



Entrepreneur Stream Guide (September 2020) 17 

• Be written on company letterhead 

• Be signed by a person occupying a position of authority and must include that person’s name and title • Show company’s full address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses • Be stamped with the company’s official seal (if applicable) 

• indicate the specific period of your employment with the company 

• indicate the positions you have held during the period of employment and time spent in each position • state your main responsibilities and duties in each position including number of employees supervised. • state your annual salary plus benefits in each position, and 

• state the number of hours worked per week in each position.


Factor 4. Net worth

Net Worth 

Points (maximum 10) 

Documentation required

$600,000 CAD – $999,999 CAD

• Net Worth Verification Report

1 Million CAD – $1.5 Million CAD


Greater than $1.5 Million CAD 


Net business and personal assets are mandatory threshold criteria that all candidates must meet. Entrepreneur  Stream applicants must have unencumbered net business and personal assets of no less than $600,000 CAD that  are readily available for transfer to Canada to be eligible for points. Assets belonging to an applicant’s spouse or  common law partner will also be included in the calculation and must also pass verification. The IRCC form Schedule  4A – Economic Classes – Provincial Nominees – Business Nominees includes details about how to calculate  personal net worth:


Factor 5. Age


Points (maximum 10) 

Documentation required


• Birth certificate, 

• Passport, or 

• National Identity Card











Applicants are eligible for points on the basis of the applicant’s age at the time of submission of EOI.


Factor 6. Adaptability



(maximum  10)

Documentation required

Your spouse or common-law partner’s language level  Your spouse or common-law partner has a language level  in either English or French at CLB 4 level or higher in all  four language abilities (speaking, listening, reading and  writing)

English language: CELPIP – General  test or IELTS- General training test  

French: TEF or TCF 

Language test results must not be older 

Entrepreneur Stream Guide (September 2020) 18 



than two years at the time of  

submission of EOI

Your past study in Nova Scotia 

You have finished at least two years of full-time study (in a  program at least two years long) at a secondary or post secondary school in Nova Scotia (full-time study means at  least 15 hours of instruction per week), and have remained  in good academic standing (as defined by the school)  during the period of full-time study in Nova Scotia.


• Study permits 

• Academic transcripts 

• Certificate, diploma or degree you  received for completing the  


Your spouse or common-law partner’s past study in  Nova Scotia 

Your accompanying spouse or common-law partner has  finished at least two years of full-time study (in a program  at least two years long) at a secondary or post-secondary  school in Nova Scotia (full-time study means at least  15 hours of instruction per week), and has remained in  good academic standing (as defined by the school) during  the period of full-time study in Nova Scotia.


Your past work in Nova Scotia 

You did at least one year of full-time work in Nova Scotia: • In an occupation listed in Skill Type 0 or Skill Levels A or  B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC),  and 

• on a valid work permit or while authorized to work in  Canada.


• Letter(s) of reference from past  Nova Scotia employer(s) 

• A copy of any T4s if available • A copy of employment  


Your spouse or common-law partner’s past work in  Nova Scotia  

Your spouse or common-law partner did at least one year  of full-time work in Nova Scotia on a valid work permit or  while authorized to work in Canada.


Relatives in Nova Scotia 

You, or, if it applies, your spouse or common-law partner, have  a relative, either a parent, grandparent, brother/sister,  aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, who is living in Nova Scotia for at  least one continuous year, 19 years or older, and a Canadian  citizen or permanent resident.

• Proof of relationship 

• Proof of status 

• Proof of residency in Nova Scotia


Factor 7. Nova Scotia economic priorities

Nova Scotia Economic Priorities 


(maximum 10)

Documentation required

Export-oriented business 

• Business establishment  plan 

For business succession also  include the following: 

• Proof of fair market value • Financial statements from  business

Proposed business location outside of Halifax County 


Business succession 



Entrepreneur Stream Guide (September 2020) 19 



• Employee employment  offer, salary and  

employment term  


• Enterprise’s pay stubs or  payrolls

Export-oriented business: In order to claim points for this category applicants must have noted an export oriented  business within their business establishment plan. 

Proposed business located outside of Halifax County: Applicants may claim points under this criterion if their  business establishment plan specifically states that the applicant will run their business in another county other than  Halifax.  

Business Succession: The Nova Scotia based business must have been in continuous operation by the same  owner for the previous five (5) years. Applicants must also complete an exploratory visit to meet current business  owners and provide evidence to support this meeting in their Business Establishment Plan. Applicants are  encouraged provide preliminary business purchase price and evaluation in order to prove their intent to purchase an  existing Nova Scotia business.


Factor 8. Investment


Points (maximum 15) 

Documentation required

$150,000 CAD– $300,000 CAD 


• Business Establishment Plan 

• Conditional purchase/sales agreement • Invoices 

• License and/or registration 

• Net Worth Verification Report

Greater than $300,000 CAD 


Points may be awarded when the applicant has committed to make an investment to establish or to purchase and  operate an eligible business in Nova Scotia from the applicant’s personal equity. Investment amounts derived from  loans or other forms of financing are not eligible. The following list of equity expenditures may be included as  business investments: land; buildings; equipment; software; licenses; franchise fees; leasehold improvements;  professional fees associated with the establishment of business (fees associated with immigration are not eligible);  one vehicle (in accordance with Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines for personal use of vehicles in a  business); and furniture and fixtures.  

Operating expenses refer to regular, recurring monthly expenses which includes rent, wages and salaries, utilities,  advertising, accounting, and insurance. NSOI may consider eligible operating expenses in the following  circumstances:  

• For the establishment of a new business: A maximum of six months of operating expenses. • For the purchase of an existing business: A maximum of three months of operating expenses. 

Exceptions may be made for additional vehicles used in transportation, manufacturing or construction companies  where vehicles are used in the movement of goods or equipment, or the cost of the vehicle is greater than CRA’s  guidelines. The applicant’s principal residence is not an eligible business investment and home-based businesses  are not considered an eligible business and will not be considered as part of the business investment. 


Entrepreneur Stream Guide (September 2020) 20 

The following working capital investments may also be considered: inventory; start-up costs; marketing cost; prepaid  insurance and business supplies. 

To be considered eligible, investments must be relevant and directly related to the candidate’s Business  Establishment Plan, with evidence to demonstrate that the investment has been made within the first two (2) years of business operation after receiving approval from NSOI. Evidence may include, but is not limited to receipts, invoices,  signed contracts for goods and services, signed purchase and sales agreements, licenses, and registrations. 

Ineligible Investment(s): 

• Cash is NOT an eligible investment. 

• Any expenses incurred prior to the mutual signing by both parties of the Business Performance agreement  will NOT be eligible as proof of investment. Any investment made prior to the mutual signing of the  Business Performance Agreement and obtaining a valid work permit is solely at your own risk. • Operating Expenses are NOT an eligible investment for Franchise purchase/start up.


Taken from:

Newfoundland investor visa

Here are the pros and cons of this investor/ entrepreneur program for the largest sized province (in terms of land mass) between all the 4 Atlantic provinces in Canada:


  1. Minimum education is a high school diploma

  2. Have a minimum of 2 years of business ownership experience

  3. No application fees at the provincial level when applying under this program

  4. The only province which allows up to 10 partners in the business you are buying or setting up - which can include both foreign applicants and Canadians. Each partner must meet the minimum criteria if they want to apply through this program as well

  5. After 12 months of running the business in the province you become eligible for PR nomination

  6. Bonus points for economic priorities such as agriculture/technology and natural resources

  7. Age points allocated even up to the age of 59


  1. Max eligible age is 59

  2. $600,000 minimum net worth requirement – including an audit

  3. Minimum investment of $200,000 to be eligible under this program (it's relatively high for the Atlantic provinces considering that Newfoundland has one of the fewest applicants)

  4. Minimum language score of CLB 5

  5. No points for a high school diploma

  6. No points under CLB 4 language score

  7. An exploratory trip to the province is mandatory and NOT optional

  8. In-person interview is mandatory

  9. It’s a program with a point-based system of max 120, with a minimum number of points being 72

Newfoundland could be an option for you to immigrate to! Get a FREE assessment with our licensed immigration consultants and find out if you’re eligible to apply for this program. Fill out the form, click here.

Newfoundland entrepreneur stream eligibility points


1: Language


2: Education

3: Age


4: Newfoundland and Labrador Economic Priorities


5: Adaptability


6: Business ownership experience


Taken from:

New Brunswick investor program

Last but not least, let’s have a look at the pros and cons of this investor/entrepreneur program for this popular and centrally located province in the Atlantic region of Canada:



  1. Business or senior management experience can be claimed from the past 10 years

  2. You can gain bonus points for an exploratory trip to the province of minimum 5 working days in the past year

  3. There are some bonus business plan points for market research and by-laws/regulations

  4. Bonus points for spouse’s minimum language score of CLB 5

  5. Small Business Investor Tax Credit program provides an important source of capital by increasing access to equity financing for New Brunswick small businesses and encourages investment by NB residents in local small businesses.



  1. Max eligibility age of 55

  2. You do require a minimum post-secondary education after high school

  3. Your submitted business plan requires approval by a government official before you apply

  4. Minimum $600,000 net worth which will have to be audited by an approved accounting firm

  5. Minimum score of 65 out of 100 points to be eligible to enter the pool of applicants under this program

  6. Minimum investment of $250,000 which is in the higher range compared to other provinces in the region

  7. Very specific max % of expenses allowed for each category such as equipment, professional services, and so on. Very specific in detail compared to other Atlantic provinces

  8. Must create a minimum number of 2 jobs, while the other Atlantic provinces have a minimum requirement of 1 job creation for Canadians

The New Brunswick investor visa could be an option for you and your family! Find out if you are eligible now, get a FREE assessment with one of our licensed immigration consultants. Click here.


New Brunswick entrepreneur stream eligibility points

Factor 1: Age










Factor 2: Language

Applicant must meet the minimum level of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in English or French in all four language abilities: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

First official language

Points awarded






CLB level 7 or higher





CLB level 6





CLB level 5





Second official language

Points awarded

CLB level 5 or higher


Maximum points  



Factor 3: Education

Applicants may be awarded a maximum of 25 points for education and must have a minimum of two years post-secondary education after high school.


Level Completed



Post-graduate education

(master’s degree or PhD)

Master's or Doctorate degree awarded by a graduate school of a college or university, after completing a bachelor's or master's degree


Post-secondary education

(academic degree)

Academic degree awarded by a college or university to those who complete an undergraduate curriculum that required at least three years full-time study


Post-secondary education


Diploma completed in a specific trade that required at least two years full-time study after high school


High School diploma

Awarded by a secondary school



Factor 4: Personal net worth

Applicants must have a verifiable personal net worth of at least $500,000 CAD.

Factor 5: Business ownership and /or Senior Management Experience

Business ownership experience



Business owner (of at least 51%), personally involved in the day-to-day operations as the primary decision maker, responsible for supervising at least two people.

10 in the last 10 years


6-9 years in the last 10 years


3 years in the last 5 years 


Business ownership experience: Maximum 15 points 

Senior management experience



Senior manager, personally involved in the day-to-day operations as a primary decision maker responsible for supervising at least two people.


10 in the last 10 years



6-9 years in the last 10 years


5 years in the last 5 years


Senior management experience: Maximum 9 points

Overall: Maximum 15 points


Factor 6: Business plan

Business concept elements


Candidate visited New Brunswick for a minimum of 5 business days within one year (12 months) previous to applying and has included the trip report with the EO


Candidate will transfer a minimum of 5 years of business ownership or senior management experience to the same industry and sector in New Brunswick.


Business is located outside of Fredericton, Saint John and Moncton.


Eligible investment is greater than $500,000 CAD, or


Eligible investment is between $150,000 CAD and $499,000 CAD, or


Candidate included knowledge of statutes, regulations, bylaws and accreditation with business plan


Candidate included relevant and detailed market research related to
business plan


Maximum points: 15


Factor 7: Adaptability Points for Spouse or Common-Law Partner

Spouse/Common-law partner adaptability


Completed a program of full-time study of at least one year at a recognized post-secondary institution in New Brunswick after the age of 17 years and with a valid study permit, or



Completed at least six months of continuous full-time employment in New Brunswick.

Meets the minimum level CLB 5 in English or French in all four language abilities



Maximum points: 5


Taken from:

Investor Visa Canada Tips

Some inside tips and available resources:

  • The Business Development Bank of Canada has a number of tools and resources for immigrant entrepreneurs including a free self-directed e-Learning program on how to start a business in Canada to help immigrant entrepreneurs.

Investor Visa Canada - Bonus

Here is the 5th solution for you in case you’re not interested in applying under these programs because of the net worth requirement, the audit, the provincial fees, or the points based system.

The 5th solution is the Federal Investor work permit. With the ‘significant benefit’ work permits that the Federal government is offering qualified investors, you can come to Canada with your family without any geographic restrictions, no age restrictions, no minimum net worth requirements, no audits, no points-based system, and still have an opportunity to convert to PR after 1-2 years of running your business through the Express Entry system by issuing yourself a job offer from your own company.

You can either set up a new business, a branch of your existing business overseas, a joint venture, or even buy a Canadian business inside Canada which is already profitable. And if you’re stuck deciding between the provincial vs Federal programs, we can qualify you and give you the easiest and most efficient program to apply under to minimize cost, time, and guaranteed results.

Get a FREE assessment with us and find out which program could be the right fit for you! Fill out our form, click here.

Get a FREE assessment with us!

If you are deciding whether to invest or apply for a business immigration program under any of the Provincial Nominee streams and require support from an expert team of business and immigration specialists who know what they’re talking about, then look no further. That’s our specialty here at INGWE Canada! We will guide and support you throughout the process.

Our team in Canada speaks over +8 languages, and we are licensed to help applicants like yourself and your families. We have 1-million-dollar liability insurance which protects you and us from mistakes or fraud as well as a dedicated client trust account in Canada. We help applicants from over 47 different countries if you require assistance in terms of the Business Immigration process. Fill out our form, click here.


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