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Meet INGWE Team Member David Santacruz!

Meet INGWE Team Member David Santacruz! (Click here for the Spanish version)

David Santacruz is originally from Quito/Ecuador and he immigrated to Canada on April 2nd, 2012 where he studied English in a popular English Language School in Toronto for one year. During his year in school, he was able to make friends from all over the world, learn about different cultures, improve his English. David later realized that he would like to stay in Canada permanently, hoping to receive his Permanent Residency (PR Card). After one year in Toronto, he went to a public college and studied Business Marketing for two years. For him, studying in Canada was tough at the time, but he successfully graduated after 2 years. After graduation, he started working in an English School where he worked for 4 years and was able to travel around South America conducting seminars, talking about what Canada has to offer for new immigrants and let them know about his experience in all these years in Canada. That was the point when David realized that he loves helping people to immigrate to Canada and achieve the Canadian dreams that they have. After a while, he was able to apply for Ontario Nominee Program (OINP) with the help of his employer to gather all the necessary documents to apply for Permanent Residency (PR). After more or less a year of waiting time, he received his PR Card and called Canada his second home! Now, David is working for INGWE Immigration as the Lead Specialist & Student Recruiter where he is able to help more people every day to immigrate to Canada through studying, working, or investing in Canada.

Meet INGWE Team Member David Santacruz! 

David es originario de Quito- Ecuador, vino a Canadá el 2 de abril de 2012, fue a estudiar inglés en una escuela popular en Toronto durante un año. Pudo hacer amigos de todo el mundo, conocer otras culturas, mejorar su ingles y luego se dio cuenta de que le gustaría quedarse en Canadá un poco más. Después del año, fue a un College publico y estudió Business Marketing durante dos años, fue un momento muy difícil pero logro acabar con éxitos sus estudios, luego pudo encontrar un trabajo en una escuela de inglés donde trabajó durante 4 años, pudo viajar por algunos paises de América Latina haciendo algunos seminarios y hablando sobre lo que Canadá tiene para ofrecer y también hablar sobre su experiencia en todos estos años en Canadá, y ahí es cuando David se dio cuenta de que le gusta ayudar a las personas a venir a Canadá y ayudar a que las personas alcanzen sus sueños y objetivos en el país, Después de un tiempo, pudo aplicar el Ontario Nominee Program (OINP), sus abogados de inmigracion en ese momento y su compañia lo ayudaron a reunir todos los documentos necesarios para que su aplicación sea exitosa. Después de más o menos un año de espera, por fin pudo llamar a Canadá su segunda casa con su tarjeta de Residencia Permanente en mano. David Comprendio lo dificil que puede ser para una persona todo el porceso migratorio, y por su experiencia y su trabajo ahora él está trabajando para INGWE Immigration como Lead Specialist & Student Recruiter donde tiene la oportunidad de seguir ayudando a más personas a venir a Canadá a estudiar, trabajar o invertir.

Book your consultation with David

We are experts in the field and have helped hundreds of clients applying successfully for study permits and Permanent Residence in Canada. Now we hope we can help you too! Email us, call us or visit our office for more information or book your professional consultation with us starting at only $49. During a consultation with us, we will determine whether you qualify to apply and which programs you would be eligible for. We are going to list your possible options starting from the least expensive and fastest processing times. You will be able to answer all your questions regarding the Canadian immigration process at the end of the consultation. Once the consultation is completed and we have received all the information required, you will receive a personalized immigration plan, developed by our team.

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