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PNP Canada – Interview Questions for Entrepreneurs

What will the Provincial immigration office ask you during your mandatory interview for the entrepreneur program? Each province has its own entrepreneur program for investors and businesspersons, which can lead to permanent residency after implementing your business in the province. The interviews are mandatory – some online and some in person. We will cover the key questions and what you need to prepare for these interviews inside Canada. 

In preparation for your interview with the provincial office under the entrepreneur business programs, you need to first review the information and documents submitted after your invitation to apply along with your net worth documents; bring them with you to the interview (originals). You need to be 100% comfortable and aware of all the information that was sent in since you will be asked about it in detail during the interview.

If you’re interested in applying for the Canada PR through any Entrepreneur PNP, at INGWE we are here to help you. We have successfully supported applicants from +49 nationalities! Get a FREE email assessment with us, fill out our form, click here.



Here is a sample list of PNP Entrepreneur interview questions. The most important questions below are marked in stars ***

  1. General intro/chit-chat to test your language ability in an informal way without you realizing it.

  1. Do you have a representative helping you with the application?

  1. ***Why do you want to move to [PROVINCE/CITY]? Do you have family/friends here (clarify)?

  1. ***Asking you about previous visits to Canada where you may not have visited this province (or time spent in other regions of Canada) – this question is more common for less populated provinces such as Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, BC Rural, Atlantic provinces.

  1. ***Who wrote the business plan for you?

  1. ***Specific questions about the industry & research you have submitted in the business plan (you will need to support/justify all facts and claims in the business plan – especially the researched information and financial forecast).

  1. -***Referring to the question above, why do you think this business will work for you in this [PROVINCE/CITY] and how you can justify the investment amount, and how it can support your living expense with your family?

  1. A review of your net worth to verify all information you have submitted.

  1. -***If you have more fixed assets than liquid, ask you about your plan to liquidate and make funds available for your life in Canada.

  1. ***Verifying your work experience such as senior management or business ownership experience based on the documents you have submitted (keeping your original documents with you in an organized way and indexed will help to refer to them while you are speaking about your experience).

  1. ***Verifying how your previous experience transfers over to this specific business/industry you propose to start/buy in Canada for your PNP Entrepreneur application (i.e. if you are a banker and plan to start a hamburger restaurant).

  1. Questions about your family composition and the plan to move them ‘here’.

  1. Discussing and asking about how you plan to settle your children & spouse/partner here.

  1. ***Discussing your exploratory trip: What have you done during the trip, who you have met, schools for your children, sites/locations for your business, banking, accountants, etc.

  1. ***If you are planning to purchase a business, a detailed discussion on how you connected with the business owner, your visit to them, how the deal is structured, transition/handover period, asset/share sale questions, etc.

This list is not 100% comprehensive and based on the province, the officer, and your specific profile, the questions may vary. However, being prepared based on this general guideline is going to increase your chances of being approved to receive a letter of support for your work permit to start the business in the province of your choice.

If you need assistance applying for the Provincial Entrepreneur programs, or for your clients in case you are an immigration agency or legal practitioner, feel free to reach out to us anytime. Get a FREE email assessment, click here.

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 If you’re thinking about immigrating whether permanently or temporarily - you’re at the right place! Our team speaks over +9 languages, and we help applicants from over 49 different countries during their immigration process. And this list is growing every day. Get a FREE email assessment, click here. 

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