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The common issues faced by immigrants in Canada a beautiful destination which is a dream of many people

What are the common issues faced by immigrants in Canada

Canada is a beautiful destination which is a dream of many people. It is known for its quality of life plus the dignity which every individual earns there. This place is a house of people from all communities and those people are happily living there. However certain issues are there which are faced by immigrants in their initial stage. Mentioned below are a few of them.

Weather conditions

When you plan to move to Canada, you need to understand that the weather mostly stays cold there in all the regions. Some of them have pleasant weather at times but there are certain areas such as Winnipeg, Edmonton where the temperature goes extreme and the weather becomes too cold. Even most of the time it snows there. so for people who are from India or other countries which have moderate temperatures than them, it is difficult to adjust to these changing weather conditions. However, if you study in Canada, you might stay in these regions as there might be colleges that have fewer fees but later on, you can move to Brampton or Vancouver which has great weather conditions.

Finding an adequate job

As immigration level is at peak and every second person is applying for this country then somehow there is a scarcity of job or you might say that one has to work at a lower level due to less availability of the job. you might be qualified but it is not necessary that in beginning you get a job which fits your education. So there you have to work very hard and prove yourself to reach a higher position which might take time. So adjustment has to be done in case of the job as this is an issue faced by almost every immigrant.

Learning the new language

The people who are from other regions might find it difficult to adjust to Canada due to the language barrier. Especially the Chinese and people from Thailand, are not comfortable with English. So for them, it is a tough job to learn that language as Canadians mostly prefer English or French. So in the starting, as an immigrant, you might face language issues. There are chances that you don’t understand the accent but with time things could become normal.

Lack of social circle

This is usually a thing that everybody faces when they shift to a new place. So as an immigrant to Canada you might have two or three people who are your acquaintance and living where you stay but then you would miss the social circle which you had in your own country. So don’t feel disheartened and leave hope. Rather work on it. Be an introvert and try mingling up with people and then this issue would be solved.

So, as an immigrant to this place or if you think to invest in Canada then these are the constraints which you might face in the initial days and you need to prepare yourself mentally for the same for your survival.

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