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The ultimate guide for Aussies entering Canada in 2021

For people who want to shift to a place that has great opportunities, provides a quality life and respects for all the cultures, then moving to Canada is a great option. If you live in Australia and you are planning to move to Canada then you are going through the right path as this place will provide you with a lot more things that Australia did not offer. Immigration Lawyers Canada will help you get through this process.  However, there are certain things which as an Aussie you must know before shifting to Canada. Given below are the details.

During winters, Toronto is extremely cold

If you are staying in Australia then you need to understand that Toronto is an extremely cold place. In Australia, the cold weather for you will be 15 degrees, right? In this weather, you might be wearing your jacket or cardigan but if this is the temperature in Toronto, it is basically bikini weather there because there the temperature drops to -30 degrees. So make sure you understand this aspect and get all the right clothes before you make the move.

If a Torontonian asks you that you take ‘the path’, they are not talking about the footpath

When you enter Toronto, people would ask you about do you take the path? You would find it stupid as everybody would take the footpath only to walk and nobody would walk on the road but here they actually talk about something else. Here footpath is called the sidewalk there and the path is the underground world that is present in Toronto. The Path is the basic link-up of all the downtown subway stations. It is an underground world which comprises a number of shops and cafes. The people of Toronto love the path because, during the freezing winters they don’t have to actually go outside, they could literally stay in the path and enjoy. As it is the first time for you ask the immigration consultant to get you in touch with some local who could explain you about this otherwise you might get lost.

In Toronto, coffee means a black coffee

Just like Australia people of Toronto also love coffee but then you need to understand here coffee goodness is not the same as Australia. If you go and order a coffee in a café in Toronto, they will hand over you a cup of black coffee to enjoy. Here people only like this to drink rather than the frosty creamy coffee which Australians enjoy. So if you want to keep your taste buds like they were in Australia, so do specify the flavour you want for a happy experience.

Thus Australia is different from Canada but then the quality of life it provides will let you experience a great time. So make sure you get in touch with immigration consultant Canada to get into Canada on a work permit or PR and enjoy a great life.



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