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The Ultimate Guide To Immigrate To Saskatchewan- A Canadian Province

The Ultimate Guide To Immigrate To Saskatchewan- A Canadian Province


The Saskatchewan immigration program is a way to immigrate to Canada which invites all the non-Canadian applications who want to make this their home. If you are also one of them then considering the corona pandemic, getting the help of the immigration consultants toronto will be the right option. Apart from that, here you will find some useful information about the same.   


As the economy of the world is recovering, the province of Saskatchewan in Canada is working on increasing exports, creating employment opportunities, and improving the rate of unemployment.

Based on the statistics report of Canada, it is concluded that the unemployment rate of this particular province is depressed compared to any Canadian state, falling to 6.4%.


Rate of Saskatchewan economy to grow 4% in 2021 and 3.4% in 2022


In September 2021, TD Economics due to the rising counts of the cases suffering from COVID-19 was promoted to downgrade their previously-rosy outlook for the state. During the first wave, the highest level of daily per capita caseloads and lowest rates of the vaccination was discovered.


Despite the latest wave, it has been forecasted by the economist that the growth rate of Saskatchewan’s economy at the end of 2021 to be 4%, and in 2022 it will be 3.4%. the economy is showing more strength in creation of the jobs and unemployment rate is continuing to drop.


Shortage of labor in different sectors of Saskatchewan Economy


In Saskatchewan, the shortage of staff in different businesses was discovered. According to many business owners, their companies were struggling for help to carry their business operations. No matter what business it is, whether a restraint or a grocery store, everyone was short of labor. 


It is when the Canadian government decided to offer excellent employment opportunities to foreign nationals who desire to settle down permanently in Canada as residents through economic immigration programs. If you are also desiring to make Saskatchewan your home then get expert advice from immigration lawyers Canada. They will let you know about the current protocols and how you can easily apply with the comprising all the protocols to migrate to Canada successfully considering these days rules and regulations.  

Before the pandemic crossed the borders of Canada, in 2019, nearly 76.6% of immigrants were accounted has become the permanent citizens. But now, the percentage of immigrants entering Canada has drastically dropped, it is only the percentage of immigrants coming through the economic immigration programs surged up. 


Employers Hiring Immigrants in Saskatchewan


The labor shortage has prompted Saskatchewan’s government to develop more new ways for the immigrants so that the problem of paucity of labor can be solved. Under the SINP, short form for Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program, Saskatchewan, at the end of November launched its Hard-To-Fill Skills Pilot allowing the local employers to hire the workers living across the international borders. There are several people with different skills has been hired who are working remotely to complete the labour shortage. Also, immigrants are hired by employers considering their eligibility with several immigration programs giving opportunity to those looking for work there.



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