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Top 13 Tips For Newcomers To Canada!

Top 13 Tips For Newcomers To Canada!

1. Seek settlement services.

Settlement services in your destination province are offered by immigrant settlement agencies that want to welcome you and help you become settled in your new home. They are your first stop for help and information about your destination province and your community. We are experts in the field and have helped hundreds of clients applying successfully for study permits and Permanent Residence in Canada. Now we hope we can help you too! Email us, call us or visit our office for more information or book your professional consultation with us starting at only $49. During a consultation with us, we will determine whether you qualify to apply and which programs you would be eligible for. We are going to list your possible options starting from the least expensive and fastest processing times. You will be able to answer all your questions regarding the Canadian immigration process at the end of the consultation. Once the consultation is completed and we have received all the information required, you will receive a personalized immigration plan, developed by our team. 

2. Locate other essential services.

Find your nearest Service your destination province and Service Canada offices, banks, grocery stores, clinics or hospitals. These will be listed in your local telephone book; numbers are also available online.

3. Begin language classes.

A number of agencies in your destination province offer language classes (French or English). Some are free for newcomers who qualify; some are available for a fee.

4. Collect maps and telephone directories.

Get a copy of the telephone directory which will have local residential and business listings, a map of the city, and information about public transit.

5. Start looking for a home.

You will need to do some research to choose a neighborhood, decide whether to rent or buy and determine what you can afford. If you decide to rent an apartment or house.

6. Enrol your children in school.

Parents in your destination province may be legally obligated to provide an education for their children until graduation or until the age of 18 by enrolling them in public or private school, or by homeschooling them.

7. Open a bank account.

Exchange your money for Canadian currency and open a bank account. You will need photo identification and a home address to open an account.

8. Continue your job search.

Plan your job search, prepare to apply for jobs, and identify places where you can turn for help and support in your search for employment.

9. Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN).

Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is assigned to you by the Government of Canada. You need it to work and receive government benefits. You will receive a wallet-sized card with your SIN on it. This number acts as identification to government services, your employer (after you are hired), and your financial institution for some financial transactions. Otherwise, you are advised to keep your SIN confidential.

10. Apply for a driver’s license or government photo ID.

Visit any local provincial Service office in your destination location to find out if you can exchange your driver’s license for the local province license or if you will need to pass a test first. Your destination province license also acts as your official local provincial government-issued photo identification. If you do not have or need a driver’s license, you may arrange to have a government-issued photo ID card.

11. Apply for your destination province health care (Medicare) card.

You and your family must apply to the provincial health department for a health card that permits you to receive medical services (Medicare) in Your destination province at no direct cost to you. You may apply for your medical card in the province but each one will have different regulations such as 3 month wait times or less. Not all medical services are free, even with your medical card. You may choose to buy health insurance to cover other medical expenses such as dental, physical therapy, prescriptions, eyeglass expenses, etc.

12. Apply for government benefits.

Apply for the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the Goods and Services Tax Credit and other government income support for which you may be eligible. You will need a Social Insurance Number.

13. Become involved in your community.

The best way to become part of your new community is to become involved. There are community groups and events throughout the province in which you can become involved. 

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