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Ways to stay in Canada after graduation international students who visit immigration consultants in Canada

Ways to stay in Canada after graduation

There are a great number of international students who visit immigration consultants in Canada after completing their education to find out various ways to stay and work in Canada. If you are also one of them then mention below are certain options which you can consider. However, you can also get in touch with immigration companies for more details.


Post Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP)

If you have completed a graduate degree from a designated learning institution (DLI), then you could apply for Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP).


PGWPP Facts: 

  • The validity of PGWP can be judged by knowing the length of the study program. If the program of study is there for 8 months but is less than 2 years then you will be getting the PGWP same as the length of the study program completed.
  • If the length of the program of study is for 2 years or more then you are likely to get the PGWP for 3 years.
  • In case the passport is going to expire earlier than the full predetermined length of PGWP then the PGWP is valid only till the time your passport is valid. However, there is an option where you can go for an extension to claim the full validity if the IRCC has advised you the same.
  • A period of 180 days is there to apply for PGWP once you are a graduate, and your Study Permit must be valid at one or the other point during those 180 days.
  • For the PGWP application, you can go for the process online or you can even go for offline paperwork as per your convenience. However, there is a variation in processing time. For the online application, it is 113 days and for offline it is 117 days. A government fee for a PGWP application is also to be paid which is $255.00.


Documents to be submitted for the PGWP application:

  • the letter which confirms the Graduation
  • Official transcripts
  • Passport 
  • Valid Study Permit/Work Permit
  • Digital Photo
  • Fill out IMM5710 – Application to modify conditions extending the stay or remaining in Canada as a worker.


In case the Study Permit is expiring before the required documents even then you must apply for an extension on the study permit you had. The Government fee to extend the Study Permit is $150.00 and the processing time for the same is 60 days (online). There are 90 days after your Study Permit’s expiration date to restore the status and get an extension. The restoration and extension process would take around 80 days (online) and the cost for the same is $350.00. 


Also once the PGWP application is approved, your spouse or common-law partner is also eligible to get an open work permit. However, once you have applied for PGWP and your application is under process, you can work full-time until the decision is there. If there is rejection then the work needs to be stopped.


Thus these are certain things that need to be followed for PGWP.


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